Administrator Resources
Pennsylvania Department of Education
The Adult Basic and Family Literacy Education page includes information about: Administrative Documents, Advisor Assignments, Grants, National Reporting System, Programs and Services, Regulations, and High School Equivalency.
Users can also access information on grant competitions.
Technology Planning Tool
This tool is designed to help agencies inventory current practice around the use of technology for communication, intake and orientation, instruction, and program management and develop an action plan. Recordings from a technology planning webinar series is also available.
- Technology Planning Tool (Word)
- Technology Planning Tool (PDF)
NRS Data Use On-demand Module
- National Reporting System (NRS) Data Use Module – on-demand module
- This handout accompanies the module and describes how to write data policy.
Agency Resources
Request for Additional Funds for Assessment FAQ
This document answers frequently asked questions regarding requests for additional funds for assessment.
Agency Self-Assessment Tools
Supplement to Handbook for Sustaining Standards-based Education in Adult Education: Checklists for Assessing Effective Implementation – This document is designed as a resource for state and local program leaders looking to support the effective implementation of state academic content standards. This supplement contains both state and program leadership checklists.
System Efficiency Survey (PDF) or (Word) – The Technology Use for System Efficiencies Program Self-Assessment can be used by agencies to assess and improve their system efficiencies through the use of technology. Upon completion of the self-assessment, agency leadership can contact their Professional Learning Opportunities (ProLO) consultant to access technical assistance from the leadership projects.
Draft 22-23 Agency Performance Data
Enrollment Data
Educational Functioning Level Gain (EFL)
HSE and Postsecondary Outcomes
- Draft 054 HSE and Postsecondary Outcomes
- Draft 061 HSE and Postsecondary Outcomes
- Draft 064 HSE and Postsecondary Outcomes
- Draft 259 HSE and Postsecondary Outcomes
Follow Up Outcomes
Remote Instruction Observation Tools
These are tools that you can use as is or adapt for use in your program when observing remote classes.
- Pennsylvania Observation Tool for Remote Classes (Fillable PDF / Word)
- IDEAL Consortium Remote Instruction Observation Tool and Guide (Fillable PDF / Word )
Legislation and Fiscal Regulations
Adult Basic and Literacy Education in Pennsylvania is funded through a combination of state and federal grants, as listed below.
- Pennsylvania Adult and Family Literacy Education Act (State Act 143 of 1986)
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (Federal)
Grants funding adult education and family literacy programs in Pennsylvania are managed in accordance with sound financial management policies and practices and in conformity with all state and federal financial rules and regulations. The following are resources that provide more detail about fiscal management.