Basic Computer and Mobile
Basic Computer and Mobile
Operates and performs fundamental tasks on devices to support learning at home, school, and in the workplace.Optimizes operating system functionality and effectively uses and troubleshoots the hardware and software of computers and mobile devices. Possesses the digital resilience necessary to learn and utilize emerging technologies,and has effective strategies for transferring skills and knowledge among various devices and applications.
Competency Number
Level 2: Uses and manages an operating system and troubleshoots basicissues, seeking assistance as needed. (BCM 1.1.2)
Level 3: Optimizes OS functionality and has effective strategies fortransferring skills and knowledge to new devices. Troubleshoots OSproblems with little to no assistance. (BCM 1.1.3)
Level 2: Navigates and manages known device hardware (e.g., monitor,printer, keyboard, mouse, ports, touchscreen, etc.), seeking assistanceas needed. (BCM 1.2.2)
Level 3: Develops strategies for optimizing hardware functionality,troubleshoots problems with little to no assistance, and adapts to rapidly changing technology. (BCM 1.2.3)
Level 2: Navigates and utilizes common functions of known software.Applies these skills to similar applications, seeking assistance as needed.(BCM 1.3.2)
Level 3: Utilizes new software, troubleshoots problems, and adapts torapidly changing technology. (BCM 1.3.3)
Level 2: Navigates and utilizes common functions of known mobile devices. Applies these skills to other mobile devices, seeking assistance as needed. (BCM 1.4.2)
Level 3: Uses mobile devices, optimizes functionality, troubleshoots problems, and adapts to rapidly changing technology. (BCM 1.4.3)