eData Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Where can I learn more about eData?
Go to eData Help Documents for additional resources.
Q: Why doesn’t the Select link work?
This is a known issue related to using Internet Explorer 11. The document titled Using eData with Internet Explorer 11 (on the Help page) explains the setting changes required to resolve this issue.
Q: Why is the adult locked?
The document titled Unlocking PASecureID Near Matches in eData (on the Help page) explains the entire process and should be read by all data entry staff.
Q: How do I add attendance AFTER it was already entered?
Assign the adult to the class. Open the Class file and click the Attendance tab. Click the Search button at the bottom of the screen to list the attendance entries already entered. Select the entry of attendance where the adult first attended. Enter the adult hours and make the Status Active, then click Save.
Q: I updated the eData Access Database Template, but nothing appears.
In most cases, this is related to Step 3 of the template directions. Files must be extracted to the c:\data folder. If the files are located in any other location, the template cannot find the files to import. Repeat Step 3 and Step 5 of the template instructions.
Q: I cannot login to the PDE website. How do I reset my password?
On the PDE website, click Log In Help at the top of the left navigation bar (below the Login link). On the right side of the page that appears, click the “here” link in the Forgotten Password section. Enter your email address and click Submit. Enter the answer to your secret question and click Submit. You will receive an automatic email from the PDE website. Follow the directions in the email.
Q: Why isn’t the assessment with the Ed Gain highlighted?
The eData system allows entry of multiple administrations of multiple assessments. However, per NRS and Bureau policy, eData will automatically select the lowest EFL first administration sub-test as the student entry level. Scores entered in eData for follow-up administrations will determine an exit level for learners. The difference between entry level and exit level will determine the educational gain, defined as completion of an EFL. The EFL gain result for the lowest first administration will be used for NRS reporting purposes.
Q: Where do I find the end-of-year Data Validation report?
The form used to submit the Data Validation report is found in the C.130 Verifying and Reporting Data policy. Please refer to the policy manual documents posted on the Division of Adult Education Administrative Documents webpage.
Q: Why are the number of enrolled adults different on reports?
When you run the NRS Table 4 report on the Reports screen of the template, it totals the adults enrolled in a 064 contract. When running the Adult Ed NRS Table 4 report in the Data Validation screen, this report reviews where an enrolled adult will count based on the services provided. For example, if the adult was served in multiple contracts, the adult is counted in the Data Validation reports based on the following rules: If the adult is in a Family Literacy contract and the family has met enrollment status, the adult is counted in Family Literacy. If the adult is served in both Adult Ed (064) and EL/Civics (061), the report looks at where the adult earned the most instructional hours. To review a list of adults served in multiple contracts, run the Adults Served in Multiple Contracts report on the Reports screen of the template.
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Contact eData Tech Support with questions about data entry, analysis, reporting, and processes.