High School Equivalency
Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma
The Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma (CSSD) is a high school equivalency credential available to Pennsylvania residents who do not possess a high school diploma and who have met criteria specified in the Pennsylvania Code. The Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma may be achieved by passing the GED® test or the HiSET® exam, or by completing the 30 College Credit Option. Visit the PA Department of Education for more information about the options.
GED® Test
GED® Testing Service is currently conducting a pilot where eligible test-takers can take the GED® test at home in an online, proctored setting.
Resources for the Online Proctored GED® test
- Online Proctored GED® test in PA webinar recording (Password 5h!EJ=%F)
- Information and additional resources related to student eligibility, testing considerations, and timing and schedule of pilot and policies
- Information for test-takers
Resources for the GED® test
HiSET® Exam
Educational Testing Service (ETS) is offering the HiSET® exam at home option.
Resources for the HiSET® Exam at Home
- HiSET® Exam at Home information for test-takers
Resources for the HiSET® exam
30 College Credit Option
The Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma (CSSD) may be issued to an applicant who:
- Is a resident of Pennsylvania;
- Is at least 18 years of age;
- Does not possess a secondary school diploma from the United States;
- Is not in a public, licensed private, registered accredited or licensed nonpublic secondary school;
- Presents evidence of satisfactory completion of a minimum of 30 semester hours of study (in post-secondary level courses) at a U.S.-accredited institution of post-secondary education;
- Completes the application process; and
- Submits an official transcript from a United States Accredited Postsecondary Institution for evaluation.
Visit the PA Department of Education website for more information on the 30 College Credit Option.