Integrated Education and Training (IET)
What are accelerated career pathways?
Accelerated career pathways provide adult learners opportunities for adult learners to increase adult basic education skills while concurrently preparing for jobs and careers in in-demand occupations within their area. These opportunities may include co-enrollment in a particular postsecondary training program, or they may be offered consecutively and prepare learners for postsecondary education or training.
Why should programs consider offering this?
Think of these kinds of programs as offering goal achievement opportunities for your learners, your programs, and your partners. Accelerated career pathways programs provide opportunities for adult learners to be more prepared to achieve success in postsecondary education and training programs because adult education is contextualized to the training to which it is connected. Some accelerated programs will decrease the amount of time that adults remain in educational programming by offering the components concurrently rather than consecutively.
Certain types of accelerated opportunities offer your programs alternative ways to demonstrate Measurable Skill Gains. The strategies often can open doors for adults who might not typically be interested or enrolled in more traditional adult education programming, so recruitment and outcomes can be affected in a positive way. Our partners can benefit from accelerated career pathways programming by increased enrollment and co-enrollments as well as potentially supporting an employment pipeline.
Integrated Education and Training (IET)
IET is a service approach that provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement (§463.35).
- An IET program must include the following three components: adult education and literacy activities, workforce preparation activities, and workforce training (§463.36).
- In addition, as part of a career pathway (§463.37), the design of an IET program should support the local and state workforce development board plans as required under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
Promising Practices
- Coming soon
- IET Toolkit: The Integrated Education and Training Design Toolkit guides users through a team-based approach to develop customized IET solutions that address the needs of adult learners and local businesses through four iterative phases: Research and Assess, Design and Plan, Develop and Implement, and Evaluate and Improve. Train-the-Trainer materials are also available to support the IET design process.
- IET Overview: This one-page handout is a resource that can be shared with partners to provide an overview of what an IET program is, the benefits of IET, and key considerations.
- Supporting English Language Learners in Training: This webinar can be shared with employers or training providers to support their training activities with English language learners.
- Benefits of Cross-Agency Partnerships: This document provides information about partnerships with the following agencies: health and human services, education and training, workforce development system, corrections and reentry, and other community programs.
- Partnership Inventory Tool: This program self-assessment provides agencies with a framework to document their workforce development partnerships.
Pre-apprenticeship is a program or set of strategies designed to prepare individuals for entry into Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAP) or other job opportunities. Pre-apprenticeships may last from a few weeks to a few months and may or may not include wages or a stipend.
- Registered Apprenticeships: This website provides details about how apprenticeships are established in Pennsylvania. Apprenticeships are innovative training programs that allow employers to develop and prepare their future workforce while providing individuals with a learn-while-you-earn approach to career development.
- Supporting English Language Learners in Training: This webinar can be shared with employers or training providers to support their training activities with English language learners.
- Equitable Apprenticeship Toolkit: This toolkit provides resources for those whose work involves designing and running pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs to intentionally encourage and support the inclusion of apprentices who reflect the full diversity of our communities — in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, primary language, disability, age, sexual orientation, and other factors.
- Pre-Apprenticeship | Jobs for the Future (JFF): This website provides definitions of pre-apprenticeship program components and additional resources to help educators gain a clearer understanding of this accelerated strategy.
- Exploring Career Pathways for Adults: This document provides a continuum of information that follows the path of apprenticeship development and highlights areas for adult education integration of services.
- Partnership Inventory Tool: This program self-assessment provides agencies with a framework to document their workforce development partnerships.
Promising Practices
- Coming soon
- Benefits of Cross-Agency Partnerships This document provides information about partnerships with the following agencies: health and human services, education and training, workforce development system, corrections and reentry, and other community programs.
- Partnership Inventory Tool This program self-assessment provides agencies with a framework to document their workforce development partnerships.
Bridge Programs
Bridge programs prepare adults with basic education skills needed to enter and succeed in postsecondary education and training. Ideally, these bridge programs lead to specific career-pathways employment in High Priority Occupations and promote co-enrollments within the workforce development system.
- Supporting English Language Learners in Training: This webinar can be shared with employers or training providers to support their training activities with English language learners.
Promising Practices
- Coming soon
- Benefits of Cross-Agency Partnerships: This document provides information about partnerships with the following agencies: health and human services, education and training, workforce development system, corrections and reentry, and other community programs.
- Partnership Inventory Tool: This program self-assessment provides agencies with a framework to document their workforce development partnerships.
Workplace Literacy
Workplace literacy programs are adult education activities offered in collaboration with an employer or employee organization at a workplace or an off-site location designed to improve the productivity of the workforce.
- Supporting English Language Learners in Training: This webinar can be shared with employers or training providers to support their training activities with English language learners.
Promising Practices
- Coming soon
- Benefits of Cross-Agency Partnerships: This document provides information about partnerships with the following agencies: health and human services, education and training, workforce development system, corrections and reentry, and other community programs.
- Partnership Inventory Tool: This program self-assessment provides agencies with a framework to document their workforce development partnerships.