Technology Fundamentals Resources

The educator uses basic computer, mobile and internet skills to instruct and support students. They also have effective strategies for transferring their skills and knowledge among various devices, applications, and browsers.

Professional Development Resources Aligned to the Digital Literacy Competencies for Adult Educators 

Below are professional development resources that instructors and other staff can use to build their digital literacy skills. The resources are organized by the leveled performance indicators of the Digital Literacy Competencies for Adult Educators. Select the resources that are the best fit for your goals and current skills. Contact your in-house professional development specialist or your digital literacy specialist for more information about courses offered in the PD Portal.

1. Operating Systems

The educator teaches students to effectively use an operating system and optimize its functionality, and they can transfer knowledge and skills to new devices.

The educator explains how to use an operating system and its parts, describe common security threats, and explain how to adjust privacy settings.

  • Northstar Online Learning Basic Computer Skills course
    This interactive Basic Computer Skills course covers three broad topics: Getting Started with Computers, Controlling the Computer, and Finding Your Way Around the Computer. Each topic has review questions to assess understanding of the concepts.

  • Northstar Online Learning (NSOL)
    For sites that are Northstar-subscribed locations, there are courses available for instructors to assign to students about Windows and macOS.
  • Northstar Digital Literacy Curriculum
    For sites that are Northstar-subscribed locations, there are ready-to-go lesson plans for various digital literacy courses to aid instructors in their classroom preparation.
  • GCF Global Computers
    The Computer Basics, Basic Computer Skills, Mouse Tutorial, and Tech Savvy Tips and Tricks courses on this site offer numerous subtopics related to operating systems. Some lessons cover topics at multiple competency levels.
  • GCF Global Window Basics
    This tutorial contains 15 short lessons for learning about the basics of Windows, including navigation, finding and working with files, common computer tasks, adjusting settings, common applications, and keyboard shortcuts. Some lessons cover topics at multiple competency levels.
  • GCF Global macOS Basics
    This tutorial contains 14 short lessons for learning about the basics of macOS, including navigation, finding and working with files, common computer tasks, adjusting settings, common applications, and keyboard shortcuts. Some lessons cover topics at multiple competency levels.
  • WISC Online Basic Computer Skills MOOC
    Within the Basic Computer Skills framework, the following modules cover topics relevant to using an operating system effectively. Some modules cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Use Computer Devices
    • Navigate an Operating System
    • Use a Keyboard Effectively
    • Perform Basic File Management Techniques
    • Manage Personal Data
  • Digital Learn Courses
    Digital Learn offers several courses related to operating systems. Some courses cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Getting Started On a Computer
    • Using a PC (Windows 10)
    • Using a Mac (OS11)
    • Using a Mac (X)

The educator teaches students to effectively manage an operating system and troubleshoot basic issues. They can apply known skills to a different operating system, seeking assistance when needed.

  • Northstar Online Learning (NSOL)
    For sites that are Northstar-subscribed locations, there are courses available for instructors to assign to students about Windows and macOS.
  • Northstar Digital Literacy Curriculum
    For sites that are Northstar-subscribed locations, there are ready-to-go lesson plans for various digital literacy courses to aid instructors in their classroom preparation.
  • GCF Global Computers
    The Computer Basics, Basic Computer Skills, Mouse Tutorial, and Tech Savvy Tips and Tricks courses on this site offer numerous subtopics related to operating systems. Some lessons cover topics at multiple competency levels.
  • GCF Global Window Basics
    This tutorial contains 15 short lessons for learning about the basics of Windows, including navigation, finding and working with files, common computer tasks, adjusting settings, common applications, and keyboard shortcuts. Some lessons cover topics at multiple competency levels.
  • GCF Global macOS Basics
    This tutorial contains 14 short lessons for learning about the basics of macOS, including navigation, finding and working with files, common computer tasks, adjusting settings, common applications, and keyboard shortcuts. Some lessons cover topics at multiple competency levels.
  • WISC Online Basic Computer Skills MOOC
    Within the Basic Computer Skills framework, the following modules cover topics relevant to using an operating system effectively. Some modules cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Use Computer Devices
    • Navigate an Operating System
    • Use a Keyboard Effectively
    • Perform Basic File Management Techniques
    • Manage Personal Data 
  • Digital Learn Courses
    Digital Learn offers several courses related to operating systems. Some courses cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Getting Started On a Computer
    • Using a PC (Windows 10)
    • Using a Mac (OS11)
    • Using a Mac (X)
  • Digital Learn Tools and Resources for Trainers
    This site includes several resources within the Computer Basics section that are relevant to operating systems. Some resources cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Computer Basics
    • File Management Basics
    • macOS 11
    • Windows 10
The educator teaches students to optimize operating system (OS) functionality, uses effective strategies for transferring skills and knowledge to new devices, and troubleshoots OS problems.

  • Digital Learn Tools and Resources for Trainers
    This site includes several resources within the Computer Basics section that are relevant to operating systems. Some resources cover topics at multiple competency levels.

    • Computer Basics
    • File Management Basics
    • macOS 11
    • Windows 10

2. Hardware

The educator distinguishes and explains the physical components of various devices, and they effectively teach others to use and optimize hardware (e.g., monitor, touchscreen, printer, keyboard, mouse and ports) and troubleshoot problems.

The educator distinguishes between several types of devices, explains how to use them, and demonstrates common controls.

  • GCF Global Computers
    The Computer Basics, Basic Computer Skills, Mouse Tutorial, Typing Tutorial, Computer Science, and Tech Savvy Tips and Tricks tutorials on this site offer numerous subtopics related to hardware components. Some lessons cover topics at multiple competency levels.
  • WISC Online Basic Computer Skills MOOC
    Within the Basic Computer Skills framework, the following modules cover topics relevant to hardware components. Some modules cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Use Computer Devices
    • Use a Keyboard Effectively
  • Digital Learn Tools and Resources for Trainers
    This site includes several resources within the Computer Basics section that are relevant to hardware components. Some resources cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Mouse and Keyboard Basics
    • File Management Basics
    • Computer Basics Maintenance
  • Northstar Online Learning Basic Computer Skills course
    This interactive Basic Computer Skills course covers three broad topics: Getting Started with Computers, Controlling the Computer, and Finding Your Way Around the Computer. Each topic has review questions to assess understanding of the concepts.

The educator effectively uses and teaches others to manage hardware.

  • GCF Global Computers
    The Computer Basics, Basic Computer Skills, Mouse Tutorial, Typing Tutorial, Computer Science, and Tech Savvy Tips and Tricks tutorials on this site offer numerous subtopics related to hardware components. Some lessons cover topics at multiple competency levels.
  • WISC Online Basic Computer Skills MOOC
    Within the Basic Computer Skills framework, the following modules cover topics relevant to hardware components. Some modules cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Use Computer Devices
    • Use a Keyboard Effectively
  • Digital Learn Tools and Resources for Trainers
    This site includes several resources within the Computer Basics section that are relevant to hardware components. Some resources cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Mouse and Keyboard Basics
    • File Management Basics
    • Computer Basics Maintenance
  • Zoom Learning Center
    This site contains short courses and tutorials on how to set up and use Zoom.

The educator develops strategies for optimizing hardware functionality and for transferring skills and knowledge to new devices and teaches others to troubleshoot problems.

  • Digital Learn Tools and Resources for Trainers
    This site includes several resources within the Computer Basics section that are relevant to hardware components. Some resources cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Mouse and Keyboard Basics
    • File Management Basics
    • Computer Basics Maintenance

3. Software

The educator teaches students to effectively use, navigate, and optimize software and how to troubleshoot problems.

The educator distinguishes between several types of software and demonstrates common functions.

  • GCF Global Computer
    The Computer Basics, Basic Computer Skills,Computer Science, and Tech Savvy Tips and Tricks tutorials on this site offer numerous subtopics related to software. Some lessons cover topics at multiple competency levels.
  • WISC Online Basic Computer Skills MOOC
    Under the Basic Computer Skills heading, there is a course titled Create Documents Using Word Processing Software.
  • PAAER PD Portal Course: Google Certified Educator Level 1
    Participants learn strategies for integrating Google apps into their instructional practices and work through a Google course titled Fundamentals Training. Participants will take the Google Certified Educator Level 1 Exam.
  • PAAER PD Portal Course: Google Applied Digital Skills
    Practitioners choose one or more Google Applied Digital Skills lessons that relate to their own work, complete the lessons, apply what they learned, and reflect on how their new skills changed their practice.

The educator effectively uses and teaches others to manage software.

  • GCF Global Computer
    The Computer Basics, Basic Computer Skills, Computer Science, and Tech Savvy Tips and Tricks tutorials on this site offer numerous subtopics related to software. Some lessons cover topics at multiple competency levels.
  • GCF Global Microsoft
    The GCF Global Microsoft site provides access to individual courses for the components of Microsoft Office as well as resources related to One Drive, Office Online, and Sharepoint. These resources provide topics at multiple competency levels.
  • Google Workspace Learning Center
    This Google site can be used as a resource for various Google applications. These resources provide topics at multiple competency levels.
  • GCF Google
    The GCF Google site provides numerous tutorials on various Google applications. These resources provide topics at multiple competency levels.
  • Northstar Online Learning (NSOL)
    For sites that are Northstar-subscribed locations, there are courses available for instructors to assign to students about Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Google Docs.
  • Northstar Digital Literacy Curriculum
    For sites that are Northstar-subscribed locations, there are ready-to-go lesson plans for various digital literacy courses to aid instructors in their classroom preparation.
  • PAAER PD Portal Course: Google Certified Educator Level 1
    Participants learn strategies for integrating Google apps into their instructional practices and work through a Google course titled Fundamentals Training. Participants will take the Google Certified Educator Level 1 Exam.

  • PAAER PD Portal Course: Google Applied Digital Skills
    Practitioners choose one or more Google Applied Digital Skills lessons that relates to their own work, complete the lessons, apply what they learned, and reflect on how their new skills changed their practice.
  • PAAER PD Portal Course: Introduction to Workforce Prep Skills
    Participants will examine how Workforce Preparation Skills (Transferable Skills and Digital Literacy Skills) included in the PA Foundation Skills, competencies, indicators, and tasks align to everyday responsibilities at home, in the community, and in the workplace. Participants will work with an adult learner on improving desired skills.

The educator evaluates software to select appropriate programs based on learners’ needs, develops strategies for transferring skills and knowledge to new programs, and teaches others to troubleshoot problems.

  • PAAER PD Portal Course: Improving Real Time Remote Instruction
    Through activities that encourage careful planning, peer and facilitator feedback, and thoughtful selection of tech tools, participants can expect to finish this training with stronger technical fluency and a better sense of how to use real-time remote instruction to meet their class’s instructional content and student objectives.
  • PAAER PD Portal Course: Using a Learning Management System (LMS) to Support Learning
    Participants will learn best practices for using an LMS to provide engaging learning opportunities and for building a sense of community among learners.

4. Mobile-Friendly Instructional Strategies

The educator recognizes situations in which mobile devices are useful, applies mobile devices while accomplishing workplace and instructional goals, and supports learners who are mobile-dependent.

The educator understands the differences in function and use between mobile devices and other devices, recognizes the importance of mobile-friendly instructional strategies, and utilizes a mobile device’s basic functions, seeking assistance as needed.

  • PAAER Friday Lunchtime Webinars Distance Learning Digital Literacy Series
    These recordings encompass a variety of different distance learning and digital literacy tools and applications.
  • GCF Mobile Device Tips
    This site has various topics related to Bluetooth and mobile device apps.
  • GCF Global Smartphone and Tablets
    This site offers resources about:

    • Android Basics
    • iPad Basics
    • iPhone Basics
    • Chromebook Basics
    • Mobile Device Tips
  • Digital Learn Tools and Resources for Trainers
    This site contains several courses within the Tablets and Apps section related to mobile devices:

    • Mobile Device Basics (Android)
    • Mobile Device Basics (iOS)
    • Working with Apps
The educator independently navigates and utilizes common functions of known mobile devices, electing to use them as the workplace or instructional task dictates, and supports learners in using their own devices to achieve classroom goals.

  • Google Chat Help
    This Google site walks the learner through using the Google Chat app, which is available on mobile devices.

  • Digital Learn Tools and Resources for Trainers
    This site contains several courses within the Tablets and Apps section related to mobile devices:

    • Mobile Device Basics (Android)
    • Mobile Device Basics (iOS)
    • Working with Apps
The educator effectively uses a variety of mobile devices and troubleshoots problems, assisting peers and students with their devices, and uses their knowledge to ensure equitable learning experiences for students who are mobile-dependent.

  • GCF Global Google Classroom Mobile App
    This site contains several courses within the Tablets and Apps section related to mobile devices:

    • Mobile Device Basics (Android)
    • Mobile Device Basics (iOS)
    • Working with Apps
  • PAAER PD Portal Course: Improving Distance Learning Instruction
    By the end of this course, participants will learn ways they can improve their instruction for distance learning by focusing on how they communicate with students, using mobile-friendly resources, and selecting distance resources.

5. Internet

The educator safely connects to and navigates the Internet as they use it to achieve workplace and instructional goals. 

The educator identifies secure ways to connect to the internet, uses the common navigational features of the web browser installed on their device, and demonstrates and teaches basic internet safety.

  • GCF Global Internet
    Numerous resources are available on this site related to different internet browsers, how to create an effective internet search, how to use the information correctly, beneficial tips in using the internet, as well as internet safety. The topics cover lessons at multiple competency levels.
  • WISC Online Basic Computer Skills MOOC
    Within the Basic Computer Skills course offerings, three courses specifically relate to online usage. The lessons may cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Use the Internet
    • Explore Social Media
    • Demonstrate Basic Email Functions
    • Manage Personal Data
  • Digital Learn Tools and Resources for the Trainer
    Under the Computer Basics section, this site offers resources related to the below topics. These lessons may cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Internet Basics
    • Video Conferencing Basics
    • Cybersecurity Basics
    • Email Basics
  • Common Sense Education Digital Citizenship Curriculum
    Ready-to-teach lesson materials are available at different reading/grade levels.
  • Common Sense Education Digital Dilemmas
    Various scenarios are presented to aid students in analyzing digital citizenship issues.

  • Northstar Online Learning (NSOL)
    For sites that are Northstar-subscribed locations, there are courses available for instructors to assign to students about internet basics, using email, and information literacy.
  • Northstar Digital Literacy Curriculum
    For sites that are Northstar-subscribed locations, there are ready-to-go lesson plans for various digital literacy courses to aid instructors in their classroom preparation.

The educator uses a variety of web browsers and navigates the internet with fluidity, creates and manages login credentials for various sites relevant to their workplace and classroom goals, and assists students in accomplishing the same tasks.

  • GCF Global Internet
    Numerous resources are available on this site related to different internet browsers, how to create an effective internet search, how to use the information correctly, beneficial tips in using the internet, as well as internet safety. The topics cover lessons at multiple competency levels.
  • Digital Learn Tools and Resources for the Trainer
    Under the Computer Basics section, this site offers resources related to the below topics. These lessons may cover topics at multiple competency levels.
    • Internet Basics
    • Video Conferencing Basics
    • Cybersecurity Basics
    • Email Basics
  • Common Sense Education Digital Citizenship Curriculum
    Ready-to-teach lesson materials are available at different reading/grade levels.
  • Common Sense Education Digital Dilemmas
    Various scenarios are presented to aid students in analyzing digital citizenship issues.

The educator critically reflects on their own use of the internet, to achieve workplace and classroom goals, confidently assists both students and peers in their use of the internet and demonstrates exceptional understanding of internet safety.

View Resources for the Other Digital Literacy Competencies for Adult Educators

Digital Citizen

Educator  integrates inclusive digital tools and protects students’ personal data.

Lifelong Learner

Educator teaches and assists students with computer, mobile, and internet skills.

Instructor Competency

Educator uses digital tools to enhance andragogical practices.