Working with Others
Working with Others
Interacts, cooperates, collaborates, and manages conflicts with other people within a team ororganization to complete tasks and achieve shared goals.
Competency Number
☐ Demonstrates when and how to seek feedback from team members.
☐ Listens attentively, considers different viewpoints, and respondsrespectfully to team members.
☐ Interprets verbal and nonverbal communication efforts of otherscorrectly.
☐ Avoids use of stereotypical language and comments.
☐ Adapts to organizational change as it occurs.
☐ Manages time, money, and resources effectively to meet team goalsand objectives.
☐ Organizes work to meet project goals and team roles.
☐ Controls volume, pitch, and body language to convey messageeffectively to others with differing viewpoints.
☐ Considers personal bias and assumptions when communicating with others.
☐ Helps coworkers understand tasks, find resources, and fulfill assignedroles.
☐ Uses appropriate digital platforms, multimedia tools, and visuals (e.g.,large print or closed captioning) to be inclusive and meet the needs ofall members of the team.
☐ Uses appropriate language and communication styles whencommunicating with others inside and outside of the organization.
☐ Demonstrates empathy, a positive attitude, honesty, patience,diplomacy, and leadership when engaging with customers ands takeholders.
☐ Displays flexibility.
☐ Recognizes strengths and assets of other team members.